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Kamil Chanas - Marcin Stefański - Maciej Szlachtowicz - Radosław Hyży
środa 11 czerwiec 2008 02:44
Kamil Chanas - Marcin Stefański - Maciej Szlachtowicz - Radosław Hyży Hi! My name is GABRIELI CHANAS. For years I've been trying to find any relatives in Poland. My grandfather's name was Gabriel. His dad was Johann and his mom was Eudoxia (we're not sure about those names). He left Poland with 18 years old and came to Brazil, where he married my grandmother. They had 3 sons. One of them is my father, Plinio. We would like to find some relatives to talk to them, send photos and try to get to know our family. Please, help me with this mission. My dad is 67 years old now and he would love to know some of his family. My e-mail adress is gabichanas@gmail.com.
Thank you so much for your help!